Famous People Motivation Special Events

P.M.C.A. in Action on Movie Set

Local Students Work on Movie Set

We recently had the great opportunity to have our Staff and Students work on the Movie Set of "Noodling the Film".  We thought this would be a great opportunity to allow students to see what really goes on behind the scenes of a movie production, and get more experience doing hair and makeup.  Each day the staff from Penny Miller Cosmetology Academy attended the morning production meeting, and then the shooting usually began shortly after that. We started on location around 7:oo a.m.  and ended shooting anywhere from 7:oo p.m. to sometimes 3:00 a.m. to get just the right settings.  Location areas varied around Pauls Valley.  Our students worked on set from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 - our regular hours, and our Staff, Penny Miller and Kristina Miller Martin, worked after hours to get all of the hair and makeup done required for this production.  Our students and staff got many complements on the work they did, and the help they all provided.  It was very informative and interesting seeing all of the work that goes on behind the scene.

Students from P.M.C.A. who worked on the set were as follows: Terra Dodson, Sara Folsom, Teresa Winnett, Shelly Chandler, Maribeth Jones, Brittney Wallace, Becky Ledbetter &  Harlene Ledger. Master Instructors Kristina Martin & Penny Miller who's official title was Head Makeup and Hair, worked many, many hours on the set.

The Movie crew and actors were great to work with and the production was a lot of fun.  Overall I know the students of Penny Miller Cosmetology Academy gained a lot of useful information and experience from working on the set.  We hope everyone enjoys the film, Rebecca and the Crew did a wonderful job on this production.  We enjoyed it all, but on day 8 of production it was wonderful hearing those famous last words, from the director,  "It's a Wrap!"

USC film crew begins shooting in PV

Garvin County News Star Article August 5th, 2010 by Jim Richardson

“Noodling” film writer/director, Rebecca Eskreis, discusses final details with members of the camera crew prior to shooting a scene in the back of Bob’s Pig Shop on Monday. News Star photo by Jim Richardson


By Jim Richardson
News Star Writer

Bob’s Pig Shop in Pauls Valley has served for the last several years as host site to the annual Okie Noodling Tournament & Fish Fry, so it seemed only right it would be selected as a key location for a recent film about catfish noodling.

The film, simply entitled “Noodling,” is the brainchild and college thesis project of USC graduate film student, Rebecca Eskreis.

A New York native, Eskreis said she got the inspiration to do the film from reading an article in the New York Times.

“I came up with the idea to do the film after reading an article that said they had outlawed noodling in Missouri,” Eskreis recalled.


On Location at Bob's Pig Shop, Penny Miller and Class doing hair and makeup for Noodlin' the Film.


Penny Miller, owner of Penny Miller Cosmetology Academy-Phase II in Pauls Valley, applies makeup to Norman resident, Cindy Hanska, prior to Monday’s filming of “Noodling” at Bob’s Pig Shop. Hanska played the part of Dorothy, a local person who frequents the restaurant where the main character, Jenna, works (News Star Photo by Jim Richardson).

“I thought that was ashamed because noodling has a cultural background and is an important aspect of family tradition for many people. It also defines a rite of passage for some young men.

“I did some research and became fascinated with the subject. I began to imagine what it would be like to grow up in a town like this (Pauls Valley) where noodling was such an integral part of the community and that led to the idea for the film.”

The movie, which has been in the making for the last three years, was filmed primarily in Pauls Valley and Bob’s Pig Shop was the stop for the film crew on Monday, August 2.

Bob’s served as the ideal backdrop for the coming-of-age film about the main character, Jenna, who works as a waitress at a local small-town restaurant and whose father is a champion noodler.

Jenna is played by 17 year-old OKC resident and Heritage Hall Junior, Maddie Perry, and most of the crew members are from Oklahoma including several OU Film and Video interns.


pv noodlin
Pauls Valley Noodler's


Noodling Tournament in Pauls Valley for 2013 on the weekend of Friday June 21-June 22.  Drop by and see what Noodling is all about!


Beauty Tips Cosmetics Fashion Hair Specials

Color….What’s Right for Me???

How to Choose a Color that will work for YOU!

Yes, Hair color can be a lot of fun, but not when a mistake is made and you end up with a color scheme that is not attractive on color app 2

Here are a few tips to help you decide what type of color is best for YOU.

1. Think about your youth.  Children always have beautiful hair color.  This is before we use and abuse our hair.  Over process, Over Styled, Over Colored, Over Stressed.....Hair can take a lot of abuse from us.  Remember when we were just  a little younger.  Hair was silky, shiny, bouncy, had great texture, volume and memory.  When we looked at our hair, as a child, it was not just one one flat shade, it had dimension.  Remember this.

carmel highlights


2.  Think about how often we can afford to come into the salon for maintenance.  Time and money is always a consideration.  How much money do you want to spend on maintenance, but most importantly, how often, time wise, can you afford to go to the salon and spend time for maintenance?

Strong vibrant, artificial tones require a higher maintenance schedule, where as an ombre' color if not too far from your regular base could be much lower maintenance.


Vibrant Red


Natural Ombre'






3.  When YOU  look at your clothing, your most favorite pieces, what colors are they?  Do you like blues, violets, greys? Or do you like reds, yellows, and rich browns?  Is there a blouse or shirt that makes you feel special when you wear it?  When we are young we naturally are drawn to colors that make us feel better about ourselves, as we age, we put those feelings aside and conform to what we think other people think looks better on us....Now is a time to re-visit our youth and find what colors help make us feel special....

color wheel - CopyThe Color Wheel

Now that you have selected your most favorite colors, you will find that if you selected colors that are on the warm side of the color wheel, such as red, orange, yellows, or even yellow greens, you will probably look better in warm, sunny colors.    If you selected cool colors such as violets, blues, greens, and violet reds, then you will probably look better in cool, icy colors.  Neutrals are great on everyone, however, they are sometimes a little boring, and it is nice to add a splash of one of your favorites into the mix.

4.  What is your natural color?  This is a good question, since a lot of us haven't seen our natural color for years, and years.  If it has been at least four weeks since you have had a re-touch, you can look at the base section of your hair and see your natural color. It will look dark if you press it down against your head, so hold it up, try to fan it out and let light reflect through it. hs4

Now, what do you see?  Is it light, medium or dark?  Do you see cool tones, or warm tones?  Do you see any silver (Grey Hair)? Does it look mousey, or bright?

Try to remember....Why did I change it????

Did I get bored with it?  Was I attempting to cover the grey? Go blonde? Brighten it Up? If you like what you see, do you want to go back to your natural?


5.  Now that you have made a few decisions, about your past and present hair color choices and selections, we can help you get your most perfect hair color.  We can help you decide on a technique and color selection that will be perfect for you, your skin tone, your life style and your time and money investment.  Give us a call at 405-238-3426, and we will schedule you an appointment for a consultation, and get you into the hair and makeup you have always dreamed of.  What better way to make a change in your personal appearance than with a new fresh look for Spring .

Especially For YOU!

Call and receive a free Cosmetic application with the purchase of any hair color service for the month of June 2015.  Limited time offer, Must make an appointment for special offer.  Call us at 405-238-3426 to schedule you appointment now.

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