Beauty Tips Student News Students

School is Almost Back in Session….

students 1

Need Fashion & Beauty Tips for Your Child?

Whether it's getting your child Fashion Forward or just Style Basic, we can help to get your 2015-2016 school off and rolling in the best way possible.  What better way to make a statement than with a new look?  Give us a call and we can get you and your kiddos in for a haircut, style, manicure, facial or what ever other beauty service they may need to get their school year going great!


Do you have problems communicating with your child about their beauty needs?fustrated client

Does it turn into a shouting match or a fight to get them to comb their hair, take care of their skin, or even some basic hygiene issues???


We can help.  You know your kids will listen to a stranger about these issues before they will listen to a parent....Let us step in and help.


Call us at 405-238-3426 and we can help to show them the proper techniques, from professionals in the beauty field, to maintain the look they need or desire.  We can handle this for you.  Let us help you get your child's school year started right!


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