Time to Rock and Roll Girls!

Prom is a busy time every year in the salon for beauty professionals.
This year our Team P.M.C.A. included, Kassidy, Kaylie, Nicole and Taylor. They did an excellent job working with a group of girls from a local school, to help them look and feel beautiful on their special day.
The day started with the prep work.
Wash - Rinse - Repeat...
A great shampoo, and condition to get the girls hair in the best possible condition, followed with a blow out with wonderful products. The hair looked great and felt amazing!
After selecting the style and finishing the blow out, the stylists started adding curls, curls, and more curls. Girls love their curls on prom day...we did ribbon curls, spiral curls and even flat iron curls to add the effect we wanted to make these girls styles pop. Our students enjoyed working with the girls to give each girl the perfect style, customized just for them.
Just a little help from the Instructor....
Beautiful Technique for an up style that is Elegant but not overdone.
After the curls were placed ever so perfectly...off to makeup.
Even out the canvas...
a touch of liner....
a little more shadow, and just a hint of lip color....
Job Well Done, Girls!
We are so proud of the beautiful work our students do. It's so much fun, to watch them work, make discoveries, and build their self-esteem in the Cosmetology Field....sometimes it's even hard to believe they are not already seasoned professionals.
Stay tuned in for what our girls thought about doing prom hair.....