Beauty Tips Fashion Hair

Beautiful New Colors For Fall

austin-2016-078  What Hair Color is Hot for Fall?

We just made it back from the World's Fair in Austin, Texas, where hair designers and professionals like Anna Cantu, pictured left, gave us insight as to what techniques and colors would be popular this season.

We had a wonderful time.  Getting to see all of the New Fun Styles, Products and Techniques.

 So what's In?


Blended Hair Color!  Color that "Melts",  no harsh lines, no stripes, tone on tone with lots of shine and dimension.  Ombre', Sombre', Color Merging and Melting,  Color Mapping,   ....all such soft and pretty techniques. These techniques are blueprints for hair color,  colors that require the stylist to think out the style before they begin....Truly artistic!

What shades are Popular? 

In the fall as the season changes, and wardrobe colors change, this is always a great time to warm up hair color.  Soft shades of gold and copper will always be hot during this season.  This year, however, we are seeing a lot of matte color, color such as granny blondes, with silver tones with blue and violet undertones.  Matte colors do not reflect light as well as warm colors, but on the perfect skin tone with the right cosmetics they can be very striking.

The fun of hair color is that change does not have to be permanent. Hair color can be mixed to be a try on or semi, demi shade and then if you really love it we can convert it to a permanent color.

What about those crazy shades of hair color?

They can be very fun and exciting....but they will fade away very quickly without very high maintenance.

If you are interest in more articles about what we saw at this years World's Fair, stay tuned in for more posts.  We can't wait to bring more of these techniques back to Pauls Valley.




Beauty Tips

Fall is the Perfect Time for a Style Update!

Are You bored with your style?


Quick & Easy How To's

Then a quick and simple style variation may be just what you need.

Adding a Few Highlights, or deepening the tone, may be enough to get you back on track with a fun and exciting style.

You don't have to go overboard to have fun with your style....A few simple curls....changing the angle of the cut....or even just a new way to wear your hair up, may be all you need.

Give us a call at 405-238-3426 - We can schedule you an appointment and give you advice on how to get over being bored with your look.

You are our canvas....let us create, for you, a masterpiece!


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