Beautiful, warm weather, sun is shining, wind is blowing, water feels great! 
So why is my hair and skin so dry right now???'s Summer Time in Oklahoma, which means we can have a lot of fun outside, enjoying nature in our great state, but with everything good there has to be a downside. We are abusing our skin and hair without knowing it. Here are a few tips to keep your hair and skin in the best state while enjoying this wonderful weather.
We need to drink plenty of water to keep our body and our brain hydrated. Dehydration is one of the chief causes of dry skin, hair, nails and lips. Did you know that one of the first signs of dehydration is a headache or brain fog? When we are out in the sun,drinking water will help to keep our body and brain cooled down and hydrated.
1. Cleansing. Use a mild pH balanced body wash when you bathe, and don't let the water get too hot, hot water will actually dry the skin out.
2.Exfoliate. Once or twice a week exfoliate your skin in the shower with a light scrub.
3. Moisture. Moisturize your skin as soon as you get out of the tub or shower. Simply towel blot your skin, apply your moisturizer or oil, massage in, this will increase circulation and feed your skin. You will see an improvement immediately.
4. Sunscreen or Sun Block. Make sure you read your directions on your sunscreen or sun block. Each of us have different needs, the fairer the skin the easier you will burn. Sun burns do not help your skin tan faster, they just damage your skin.
Ready for a little extra TLC? We offer a vast array of facials to help you with your skincare needs. From very basic to micro-dermabrashion, we can help you with your skin. Preventative maintenance is always better.
HAIR CARE. Think about what you are exposing your hair to and how to off set the damage. Here are a few of the culprits.
Wind. The wind will cause mechanical damage to the hair and abrade the cuticle causing it to tangle, snarl, frizz, and leads to split ends and breakage. Simply try to pull the hair back in a loose pony, or wear a hat to protect the hair from wind damage. When detangling the hair, start at the ends and gently work up toward the scalp.
Sun. The sun can dry out the hair and actually fade the color, natural or artificial. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner that has a thermal protection factor. This will offset the drying effects of the sun and protect it from fading. Deep hydrate the hair on a weekly basis with a deep moisturizer that will re-hydrate the hair.
Water. Lake or Pool? People ask me all the time which is worse on the hair lake water or pool water, both have different contaminates and toxins that are hard on the hair. The best thing to do is...
1. Prior to getting into the water. Wet the hair down with tap water.
2. Apply a conditioner to displace the chemicals or contaminates.
3. When you get out of the water, rinse, shampoo and condition the hair again.
4. Gently comb out the hair with a wide tooth comb, the hair is in it's most fragile condition when it is wet.
5. Towel dry, then follow with your selection of styling product and style as usual.
The other option is to wear a swim cap.
Dry Hair still an issue? Give us a call, we offer several deep conditioning treatments and smoothing treatments to take care of that frizzy, de-hydrated hair. There is such a vast variety of professional products on the market today, and you would be amazed at what we can do with your hair.
Remember that we at Penny Miller Cosmetology Academy are here to help you. It is important to select the proper shampoo and conditioner for your specific hair type. We have a large variety of products and we can create a custom blend just for you and your needs. If you have any questions, please feel free to drop in and we will help you with all your beauty needs. Keep checking in with us for more Beauty Tips & Tricks.
Have a Wonderful Summer and Enjoy!