Beauty Business Featured Motivation News & Announcements

Why did I Choose Beauty School?

Why Did I Choose Beauty School?

Because I Love People.

I Love the expression I see on a person's face when I finish their style, turn them to the mirror and see their eye's glow in a way we haven't seen in years.  The look you get when you help someone's day get just a little better.  You don't have to move mountains to make someones day better.  Sometimes just the little things.  The subtle changes.  A little caring.  What we feel is minor, others see as MAJOR.  What a great thing to do......Make someones day better!


Penny Miller - Owner and Educator of P.M.C.A. Let me help you with your Beauty Education.

Why Should YOU Choose Beauty School?

There are so many reasons to choose the beauty industry as a rewarding career!

You may have a job already so you probably know what it’s like to work and get paid. But what will it be like to have a career and work at it year after year? Will you come home after a hard day and complain to anyone who will listen? That’s not what anyone wants out of life. Think positive. Come up with some words you’d like to connect with your profession. Now look at the words associated with beauty professionals. See whether your words match these.

  • Beauty. Sure, that’s obvious, but being around beautiful things like nature and art really can enhance your life and make it easy to get up in the morning!
  • Happiness. Not too long ago a poll asked people of different professions to rate their general happiness. Guess what landed among the top? Hairdressers! Walk into any salon, and you’ll see a lot of smiling people.
  • Creativity. Having the chance to express themselves creatively is one of the top reasons people give for making beauty their life’s work. You get to work with your hands and come up with new ideas all the time. Every face becomes a fresh canvas for the make-up artist every head of hair a sculpting project for the hair designer.
  • People. Unlike some of the other arts-writing, painting-in hair styling and makeup application you don’t spend your creative time alone. In fact, beauty is about as opposite of a solitary career as you’ll find. And, of course, when you work on people’s hair and make-up you hear more of their secrets than you want to know!
  • Reward/Fulfillment. Ask hairstylists what they enjoy most about their day-to-day work, and you’re likely to get one response more than any other: it’s an absolute delight to make people feel great about themselves. Taking a client who’s looking, well, not her best, and seeing her face when she stares at the mirror after you’ve finished working your magic is incredibly gratifying! And unlike a lot of efforts that you work on a long time before you see the “fruits of your labor,” in beauty the gratification comes immediately.
  • Passion. That’s a word you’ll hear a lot from people who work in this field. They feel passionate about beauty, and they so appreciate that they can make a living from their passion.
  • Flexibility. You manage your own schedule. This is another thing professionals love about this business. People get their hair done on weekends, at night, early before work-whatever hours you want to work, there are clients who need you. It’s common for people to work part-time some years and full-time other years, depending on life’s twists and turns.
  • Personal Growth. Fashion trends change continually, and new techniques are routinely developed to create the new looks. To stay on top of everything, beauty professionals go to classes, read magazines, watch DVDs-anything that keeps them up on the latest/newest/hottest. When you’re learning, you feel connected and healthy. One hairdresser said, “When you’re green, you’re growing; when you’re ripe, you rot!”
  • CHI Educator Training
  • Opportunity. Once you’re a licensed cosmetologist  you have an open door to a world of opportunities. You can become a salon manager or owner, teach at a cosmetology school, work for a company to help formulate products, demonstrate products and techniques at trade shows (it’s called “platform work”), develop new looks called “trend releases” for product lines, create styles for magazine or newspaper photo shoots, work on the sets of movies and TV, or even branch off into fields connected to beauty and salons such as public relations/advertising, beauty magazine writing, retail merchandising and display, product sales and distribution and interior design. If you want to stay hands-on “behind the chair,” you can specialize-do mostly hair cuts, hair color, facials, nails or make-up, for example-or you can do it all.
  • Job Security. For decades now, there’s been a shortage of skilled, licensed salon professionals, so the industry has had virtually a 0% unemployment rate. It’s likely that you’ll never have to worry about being able to find a job, and even salons that are fully staffed are interested to talk to eager-to-learn young people coming into the field.
  • Financial Security. The average income for cosmetologist is about $32,000 per year, according to the American Association of Cosmetology Schools, with some sources estimating that figure at closer to $50,000. Many busy beauty professionals who work full-time earn more than that-into the high five figures and beyond. Not everyone does, and it may not happen right away, but if you do good work, have the people skills to get clients trying higher-end services like hair color and waxing, periodically raise your prices and continually market yourself to spread the word, you will make an excellent living as a beauty professional.
  • Giving & Caring. In addition to being “givers” when it comes to treating clients well, cosmetologists are known for their good deeds and community service. Salons routinely hold fundraising cut-a-thons, participate in charity walks as a team and volunteer to do the hair backstage for fashion shows that benefit all sorts of charities-children’s needs, cancer, AIDS, victims of hurricanes and other disasters, hunger and pretty much any cause that’s out there. It’s a charitable industry filled with generous people.
  • Fun. A lot of salon owners make sure the environment stays light and upbeat. They hold sales contests with prizes, decorate for holidays throughout the year, hold photo shoots and laugh a lot.
  • Teamwork. The day of the competitive, catty hairstylist is over! Today’s salons are all about building a team of professionals who help each other and play to everyone’s strengths. Older stylists help and mentor new people, and the whole staff pitches in if someone needs to take time away for illness or other personal crisis. A well-run salon becomes a second family-in a good way!
Beauty Tips Massage Nails Skincare

Did You Know? Facts about Nails.


Facts about Nail Growth and Structure.

Information on how to have beautiful, natural nails.

The primary purpose of the free edge of the nail is to protect the tip of the finger and or toe.

nail anatomy

The nail bed is attached to the bone by ligaments.

The nail root is attached at the base of the nail, under the skin and inside the mantle.

The skin that touches, overlaps and surrounds the nail is the perionychium.

The lunula is the half-moon shape at the base of the nail that appears white due to a reflection of light at the point where the nail matrix and nail bed meet.

Nails are an appendage of the skin.Nail anatomy 2


The cuticle is the loose and pliable overlapping skin around the nail.

The average growth of nails is 1/8th inch per month in adults.

Nails grow slower due to aging, winter months and or poor nutrition and tend to grow the fastest in the summer.

The growth of a new nail plate takes approximately 4 to 6 months.

Nail polish, applied correctly, can give the nail a healthy thicker appearance.

Hand massage with a good lotion will add much needed moisture to the skin and the nails, as well as, increasing circulation, blood flow, stimulation and relaxation to the hands and feet.

Over filing the nail and using too harsh of an abrasive or chemicals can thin and damage the natural nail.  Electric Files are meant to be used only on artificial nails.  Damage from electric files can harm natural nails.

In the salon, there are several quick fixes to get your nails looking great immediately, however, there is nothing better than prevention.  If you treat you natural nails with care, they will grow and be beautiful.  Regular manicures with quality tools, equipment and products is the best routine to get into if you want beautiful, natural nails.



Beauty Tips

OHHH Baby….It’s Cold Outside!

Winterize Your Skin

What can we do to off set Mother Nature's wrath this holiday season?  MOISTURIZE!

Adding lotion is not always enough!

Simple Tips on How to Effectively Moisturize your Skin.

  1.  Add Water - Wash Skin, use a gentle soap and lots of water to plump up the skin and remove any foreign matter.
  2. Exfoliate - You don't need a harsh scrub- A simple sugar scrub will work wonders!  To make a simple sugar scrub, use equal parts of basic sugar and oil.  Yes, you can find these ingredients in your kitchen.   Scrub your skin for just a few minutes and then rinse down the drain.
  3. Gently Towel Blot-  Blot off excess oil,  don't rub and remember to be gentle.  Winter sensitive skin can sometimes be a little raw or chapped, so the key is to gently blot.
  4. Moisturize- This is the time to add lotion or creme.  Massage over skin, this seals in the hydration from the water and puts a barrier over the skin to protect it from the harsh effects of winter cold.  If you skin is sensitive try to select a neutral, fragrance free creme or lotion.

That's all there is to it.  Easy Tips to Moisturize Your Skin, and keep your skin from having the Winter Time Blues.

If you like this article- Please like, and share it on your social media, footnote what articles about beauty you would like to see and I'll do my best to share information and more tips and tricks with you.

Aromatherapy Beauty Tips Health Reflexology Skincare

Essential Oils in Aromatherapy

What are Essential oils and how are they used?

Essential Oils

Essential oils, or aromatherapy oils, are the fragrant essence of a plant. These highly concentrated liquid oils are the foundation of aromatherapy, which is based on the idea that the aromatic oil from a plant has healing properties. Essential oils should not be confused with perfumes or other fragrance oils. Essential oils are natural to the plant, whereas fragrance oils are chemically produced to mimic certain aromatic scents for perfumes, colognes, candles, etc.

Essential oils are extracted one of two ways: either by steam distillation or expression, or pressing. Distillation is the most prominent method used to extract aromatherapy oils, however. This technique involves steaming the plant matter until it breaks down. The byproduct of this breakdown phase is the plant's fragrant oil, which is cooled, separated from the water and finally filtered into its pure essential oil. Some aromatherapy oils are too concentrated to apply directly to the skin. In this case, the oil is combined with a 'carrier' oil or lotion to dilute its strength. Applying stringent oils to the skin can cause harmful reactions, such as rashes or burns. And, certain essential oils should be avoided if you are pregnant or have been diagnosed with a specific illness.

When the essential oil is extracted via the expression method, it is actually pressed from the plant source the same way lemon juice is pressed from a lemon. There are various types of essential oils, including lavender, tea tree, patchouli, jasmine, rosemary, etc.  Learn all about the most common essential oils here.

Aromatherapy Mood Blends

 Aromatherapy is based on the principle that natural fragrances, or essential oils, from certain plants or flowers can affect our moods, and consequently how we think or feel at any given time.

In fact, practitioners of Aromatherapy base their entire belief system on the ideology that essential oils, or aromatherapy oils, have medicinal benefits including antidepressant and antibacterial properties, and plenty in between!

Certain essential oils can trigger physical or emotional effects on their own. For instance, lavender is a widely known calming agent, whereas peppermint is a mood lifter. Other oils are blended to achieve a desired physiological or psychological effect. Blending ylang ylang with grapefruit relieves stress.

The following are popular essential oils (and blends). Add a few drops into a diffuser, a pot of hot water, or simply to a cotton ball to achieve the desired effect.

*Do not apply drops directly to your skin; blend with carrier oils or lotions if you want to apply it that way. You can also create some wonderful room sprays by simply mixing a few drops of essential oil with a few ounces of distilled water.  

Stress Relief
Bergamot, Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Patchouli, Vanilla, Ylang Ylang

Bergamot, Chamomile (Roman), Cedarwood, Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Neroli, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood

Self Esteem
Bergamot, Cypress, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Orange, Rosemary

Bergamot, Chamomile (Roman), Clary Sage, Frankincense, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Rose, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang

Basil, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Ginger, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lemon, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sandalwood

Chamomile (Roman), Lavendar, Mandarin, Sandalwood

Chamomile (Roman), Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Rose

Memory Boosters
Basil, Cypress, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary

Clary Sage, Jasmine, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Ylang Ylang

 Safety With Aromatherapy Oils

 CAUTION!!!  Aromatherapy has many benefits, but it is imperative that safety precautions are taken when handling essential oils. While they may seem harmless (they are extracted from plants, after all), most need to be diluted before applying directly to the skin.


Safety Tips

  • Read all label warnings and cautions.
  • Keep essential oils away from your eyes. If an oil comes into contact with your eye, flush it out with large quantities of warm water and immediately seek medical advice.
  • Keep essential oils away from children, who may think they can ingest them because of how they smell.
  • Use only the suggested amount; misuse can lead to headaches and/or nausea. If you suspect you’ve used too much, drink plenty of water and get some air.
    1.  Essential oils should be diluted before being applied to the body. Because they are so concentrated, it is not advisable to rub essential oils directly onto the skin. This can cause redness, burning, itching and irritation. If the oil comes into contact with your skin, coat the area in a cream or vegetable oil and then wash with warm, soapy water.·
    2.  Never consume essential oils, unless called for in specific recipes. If you do ingest the oil, drink and rinse mouth out with milk, and seek medical advice.
    3.  Read the warnings on essential oil packaging; some oils shouldn’t  be combined with other medication or alcohol, or taken if you have certain medical conditions (like epilepsy or low blood pressure).

Essential oils have wonderful medicinal benefits, but if used improperly the effects can be hazardous to your health.

How can I tell the difference between a true essential oil and a "fragranced oil"?

Generally true essential oils are labeled as a pure essential oil and packaged in a dark, glass container. They should be labeled 100% pure essential oil and they should also list the species of the plant.  Example 100% pure, lemongrass "Cymbopogon citratus" .  Fragrance oils can be purchased in a variety of stores and are labeled several different was such  as perfumed oil, fragrance oil, oil blend, infused oil etc.  Beware of cheap synthetic oils, that are not natural as chemicals used to fragrance these oils can be dangerous to your health.  When using true essential oils, they are very concentrated, and it takes very little to get the job done.

Where can you purchase Aromatherapy Oils?

 The answer is almost anywhere, please check out your source, not all oils are the same, some can even be counterfeit, so it's important to purchase from a reputable person or business.

I personally purchase my oils from a pharmacy,  NOW ESSENTIAL OILS is an excellent source. Remember at a Pharmacy you can ask for more information if you have any questions or concerns about possible drug interactions.

If you like this post and would like to see more posts about this type of information, please like and share on your social media.  We would love to hear from you and what you think about our information- Have a blessed day!


Beauty Tips Hair

Combs and Brushes….Styling Tips

Quick & Easy How To's

Have you ever wondered why it is your hair does so well in the salon, and just so, so at home?  It could be your choice of styling tools.

Image result for hairbrushes

Hair brushes come in a wide variety of options.  Each different type of brush has different qualities, and different uses.

Let's start with the "Wet BrushImage result for hairbrushes".

The Wet brush is used to remove tangles from wet hair.

You should start a few inches from the bottom of the hair, brush toward the ends and then slowly move farther up the head, working in the same manner until you make it all the way up to the top of the head, back through the ends.

You should be careful not to over stretch the hair as to avoid harming the hair and stripping off the cuticle of the hair strand.  When the cuticle is stripped off you risk further damaging the hair and making it even more tangled.

Using a wide tooth comb can also be useful, however, avoid a fine tooth comb, because this too can lead to a lot of damage.

Image result for wide tooth comb

The Vent Brush.

Image result for vent brush Image result for vent brushImage result for vent brushImage result for vent brush

Vent brushes are used for the first stages of blow drying.  The "Vents", are simply used to help air pass through the brush and the hair and to help the hair to dry faster.  I recommend using the vent brush until the hair is about 80% dry and then switching to a Denman style brush or a Thermal Brush to complete the style.


Image result for vent brushImage result for vent brush

The Denman Style Brush.

The Denman Style brush has a rubber base with tighter spaced teeth.  It normally does not have any vents.  This is used to help stretch the hair into position while blow styling.  Due to the tighter spacing you can put tension on the hair and help to mold it into position.  This brush is best used on thicker hair, and is wonderful for sculpting the hair and giving it a slightly bevel to the ends or to the hairline.

The Thermal Brush.

Image result for thermal brush

Thermal brushes can come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors.   Some even have detachable handles, so you can heat the hair and then release the handle to allow the curl to cool around the base of the brush.  These are a great asset to your styling tool collection.   Thermal brushes also use a wide variety of metals - there is more to the color of the metal than you think.    Silver barrels hold a moderate amount of heat, gold and ceramic barrels will hold the most heat, so if you have fine, delicate hair silver would be best for you.  Medium to thick or resistant hair requires more heat to get the hair to style well, therefore, ceramic and gold brushes would work the best for these types of hair.

Image result for chi hair brush




Beauty Business Beauty Tips Famous People Fashion Hair Special Events Student News Students

Goals are Dreams with Deadlines

Education is key to a great start in the field of Cosmetology.

Beginning is the first step to Success. In order to become your best, you must surround yourself with the best. Don't settle, give it your all and greatness will happen. This is not by chance. It is by Design.

In order to achieve greatness, You must first Start!

Get up and get going. Success won't find you, you must seek it out!

Advanced Educators Seminar at CHI 

Learning is a Lifelong Endeavor.

Action gives you results.

CHI Educator Training Certification

CHI Educators are the Best throughout the World. 

Advanced American Technology and CHI Innovations are only part of the wonderful workshop education we received at CHI Houston Branch.  Educators came from all over to teach and to learn about the latest and greatest products, tools and techniques from all over the world.  CHI is dedicated to bring Advanced American Technology to their educators.


Armstrong McCalls World's Fair 2018

This year at the World's Fair CHI introduced their new Color Tool Kit from Chromashines.  So many new fun shades of color to choose from....with this tool kit stylist can create any fun color they would like. The kit even contains two glow in the dark shades, you can mix and match to custom create the perfect shade for the client.  Mermaids Beware.  Chromashines color is here.



Beauty Business Beauty Tips Hair Motivation Nails Reflexology Skincare Student News

2018 Update – Careers in Beauty-Travel World Wide

Careers in Beauty - Cosmetology, Makeup Artistry, Nail Technician - Travel World Wide - Unlimited Income Potential.


CHI Pro's working their magic. Hair by Anna.

Rated ONE of the Top 10 Career Choices, Cosmetology is Booming!

Studies show that it is a very stable field that is recession proof and growing at a steady rate.


2018  Update -  Cosmetology Careers from Penny Miller Cosmetology Academy 

Why?  You might ask.  Well, do you have hair, skin or nails?  That is the answer.  Everyone at some time or other needs beauty services to help them with their concerns about their own hair, skin and nails.  Also people are in the job market, and need to look great and travel world wide for their own careers.  Did you know that women who wear makeup to work make more money than their own fellow female workers who do not wear cosmetics.  Therefore there is a need for beauty and cosmetics.  This is not purely vanity, it shows that individuals who wear cosmetics, take pride in their appearance, and usually will perform better than someone who is not quite as well put together, and doesn't care about the small stuff.

According to occupational handbooks-

Cosmetology is expected to grow faster than average, offering work in all capacities from extreme to in-between success.  Overall employment for personal appearance workers is projected to grow because of increasing population, incomes, and demand for beauty services.  Source - NAACAS 2007 Job Demand Survey.

Licensed cosmetologists provide a variety of personal services that help clients to look and feel their best.  Services include hair styling, hair dressing, braiding, upstyles, chemical services such as perms, color, highlights, lowlights, speciality color such as ombre', sombre', multidimensional color, texturizing & smoothing services, hair cutting, and barbering services, waxing, facials, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, speciality facials, tanning, spray tans, makeup artistry, manicures, pedicures and artificial nails.




Personal appearance is not only a key factor in keeping one's morale high. A well groomed appearance is also a factor in enhancing one's chances for a successful career!

2016 Proms 601


The primary goal of a successful licensed cosmetologist is to create an experience that the client will enjoy and want to repeat.  Cosmetologists keep pace with the fashion world and stand ready to meet the constantly changing career skills vital to success.

Continuing education is a must! Cosmetology offers opportunities for personal growth and many, many career options!




The demand for Cosmetologists:  In January 2007, there were 1,682,641 professionals employed in the nation's 370,215 beauty salons, barber shops, skin care salons, and nail salons.  The typical salon is a small full service shop with 5.1 stations, three full-time professionals, and two part time professionals.








Salon owners reported 484,660 job openings that were filled during 2006.  This represents an average of 1.3 openings per salon.  Nearly 40 percent of all new positions were filled by inexperienced workers.  Compare that to college graduates, with a two year or four year degree, who are now seeking jobs outside their field of expertise.

More Facts about Cosmetology

Even with significant levels of hiring, nearly three quarters of the salons that tried to fill positions were not able to find qualified applicants.  The supply of skilled professionals in the beauty industry continues to fall short of the demand.  This is a chronic shortage that has been reported in earlier surveys of the cosmetology industry.

Hair stylists are needed in every town and city in the country.



travel world wide

Of the various specialties, the increasing demand for nail technicians appears to be most substantial.  While nail tech's currently make up only 9.7% of the current industry employees, nearly 18 percent of the job openings are in that area.

Nail Technician
Careers in Beauty

56 percent of salon employees work full time, 31 percent are part time (20-35 hours), and 13 percent are low time (less than 20 hours).

The average salary, NOT including tips, is about $30,000 to $ 48,000 per year.

Careers in Beauty

These findings support the unmet needs of the industry along with several possible ways you can enter this profession.  Employment opportunities far outweigh the risks of a career transition.

A Look Into YOUR Future!

1.  Constant Demand.  The need for hair stylists, manicurists, and estheticians is not likely to diminish.

2.  Growth of Spas.  They once were the exclusive retreats for the rich and famous; however, more and more consumers are now embracing the spa lifestyle.  For aspiring or current beauty professionals, this means that job opportunities will grow rapidly, especially due to the growth in full-service day spas, and medi-spas.

3.  Greening of Beauty.  The current "green" movement goes far beyond fluorescent light bulbs and recycling.  It's also translating into a solid career choice.  Interest in sustainable beauty and fashion equates to a greater demand for highly skilled and licensed beauty professionals who are trained in natural or alternative treatments such as aromatherapy, body wraps, salt and sugar glows, reflexology, and more.

4.  Ultra-Luxury is Alive.  Cosmetology is a business that caters to the wealthy including movie stars, CEOs, philanthropists, oil magnates, and others.  The ultra-rich consumer easily weathers any recession and continues to spend lavishly on beauty, health, and wellness.

5.  Multi-Faceted Career.  Many cosmetologists are skilled in not just hair styling, coloring, and cutting, but also manicures, pedicures, facial treatments, make-up analysis, and much much more.  This means you have room to branch out and explore other fields, and that income comes not from a single source but highly diverse avenues ensuring a safety net for salon owners as well as workers.


6.  Baby Boomer Clientele.  In a society that  values youth and beauty, aging baby boomers- a group of 78 million Americans, are willing to spend money to get closer to the fountain of youth.

7.  International Opportunities.  Even when the economy is doing poorly in the U.S., other countries may be doing well.  With global hospitality companies opening up branches overseas, there are employment opportunities in spas,  hotels, and other outlets which offer a chance for travel.

8.  Governmental Posts.  Some of the most stable jobs are int the federal government where layoffs and firings are less than in the private sector.  If your salon is located near a military or airbase, government contracting firm, or other government-linked facility, there will be plenty of personnel wanting personal care services.

9.  Stress Reducer.  Stress is the tipping point that leads to sleep disorders, poor eating and for some- hypertension.  Regular spa visits can help treat health concerns and act as a preventative measure as well.

10.  Occupational Outlook.  The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that job opportunities for estheticians will grow rapidly through 2016.  This means that salon professionals will enjoy job security for many years to come.

References-"10 Reasons to Start a Recession-Proof Cosmetology Career," Articles Nov.2008), and Tips and Snips for a promising future the essentials, by Kathy Jager.


Career Choices-   Wow! There are so many!

2015 may 148

There are numerous opportunities in the job market for cosmetologists.  The trick to being a happy professional is finding the right fit for yourself with your career choice and your work setting.  Only you can analyze yourself,  deep down, and figure out what environment you need to work in to be happy.  There are several choices.  First and foremost decide what type of people do you want to work with.  Then decide what type of services you prefer performing, and then what type of people you want in your target market.  When you get the right mix, work does not seem like work and your days will go fast and you will be much happier in your workplace.

Penny Miller - Owner and Educator of P.M.C.A. Let me get your career on track.


Here is a list of a few of the careers in beauty you can choose from: Cosmetologist

  1.  Competition Stylist

    2016 Proms 818
    Working - Behind the Chair
  2.  Beauty Educator Director
  3.  Salon/Spa Manager
  4.  Extension/Braid Specialist
  5.  New Product Innovator
  6. Web Designer for Salons
  7.  Perm Specialist
  8.  Union Stylist
  9.  Nail Technician
  10.  Advertising Magazine Artist
  11. Hair Replacement Specialist
  12. Corporate Communications
  13. Franchise Owner

    Tools, Sales and PK
  14. Freelance Stylist
  15. Product Distributor
  16. Beauty Pageant Stylist
  17. Salon Public Relations
  18. Development and Production Associate for School Programs
  19. Receptionist
  20. Creative Director
  21. Platform Artist
  22. School Director
  23. Session Stylist
  24. Show/Event Coordinator
  25. Cosmetology Coach
  26. Beauty Business Consultant
  27. Team Builder

    2016 Proms 820
    Makeup Artistry
  28. Sales Consultant
  29. Set Director Stylist
  30. Fashion Photography Stylist
  31. TV/Cable Hair Stylist/Make up Artist
  32. Modeling Hair Stylist
  33. Permanent Makeup Artist
  34. Corporate Careers
  35. Tool Sales/ Distributor
  36. Cruise Ship Stylist
  37. Marketing/Advertising
  38. Makeup Consultant
  39. Association / Government
  40. Product Design
  41. Medical Wellness Chain Salon Owner
  42. Chain Salon Director/Manager

    Krissy Miller, Student Relations at Oklahoma State Board of Cosmetology, Barbering and Massage
  43. Color Specialist
  44. State Board Inspector
  45. Beauty School Owner
  46. Beauty School Director
  47. Cosmetology Instructor
  48. Esthetician
  49. Esthetician Instructor
  50. School Admissions Associate
  51. Chain Salon Educator
  52. Product Demonstrator/Educator
  53. Hotel/Resort Stylist
  54. Beauty Industry Market Researcher
  55. Beauty Editor
  56. Mortuary Cosmetologist
  57. Hospital/Retirement Home Cosmetologist
  58. Volunteer for Cut It Out/Look Good Feel Better Program
  59. Nail Technician Instructor
  60. Glamour Photography Stylist/Makeup Artist

And the list can go on and one. New products and procedures are coming out all of the time, and new beauty services are added to the list constantly.  The best part is you can customize your work schedule, to suit both you and your clients.  This leans a bonus of a flexible work schedule which helps to ease boredom that can happen in a regular work place.  Happy clients make a happy workplace!

 There is no reason to be bored with a Career in Cosmetology!

Penny Miller & Rachael Free
CHI Educators

So many choices, so many decisions, so much to think about.  A new career path can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be.

Start simple, But get started!

Top Rated School
PMCA Holds 100% pass rate since 2003!

You won't achieve your dreams if you don't do anything!  Only you can determine your destiny!

You are the only one  responsible for your success or failure.  THIS IS FACT!


Do YOU think Cosmetology may be a Career Choice for YOU?

Working with clients is always fun and rewarding!

It can be a lot of fun.  It is a very rewarding profession.   You must love people and want to help them achieve their cosmetic goals.  There is a great market for Cosmetology professionals, and you could be a part of an ever growing market.  There are no glass ceilings, with unlimited income potential.   You can earn as much as You choose to earn if you are willing to work.  There is plenty of work out there, and you can choose your forum.  Wonderful opportunities, wonderful job advancement, wonderful learning possibilities and a variety of choices for you and yours.  

If you think you are interested in a Career in Cosmetology  give me a call at 405-238-3426, we can schedule a meeting and I can help you to get started in this wonderful field!

If you are a stylist who needs a refresher course- We will be hosting some advanced classes for fellow professionals who want to update their skills. Give me a call and tell me what you need and I can design a program or workshop just for you!

Have a Blessed Day!




Beauty Tips Hair Health News & Announcements Skincare

Summer Hair Care

Beautiful, warm weather, sun is shining, wind is blowing, water feels great! 

So why is my hair and skin so dry right now???'s Summer Time in Oklahoma, which means we can have a lot of fun outside, enjoying nature in our great state, but with everything good there has to be a downside.   We are abusing our skin and hair without knowing it.  Here are a few tips to keep your hair and skin in the best state while enjoying this wonderful weather.


We need to drink plenty of water to keep our body and our brain hydrated.  Dehydration is one of the chief causes of dry skin, hair, nails and lips.  Did you know that one of the first signs of dehydration is a headache or brain fog? When we are out in the sun,drinking water will help to keep our body and brain cooled down and hydrated.


1. Cleansing.   Use a mild pH balanced body wash when you bathe, and don't let the water get too hot, hot water will actually dry the skin out.

2.Exfoliate.    Once or twice a week exfoliate your skin in the shower with a light scrub.

3. Moisture.  Moisturize your skin as soon as you get out of the tub or shower.  Simply towel blot your skin, apply your moisturizer or oil, massage in, this will increase circulation and feed  your skin.  You will see an improvement immediately.

4. Sunscreen or Sun Block.  Make sure you read your directions on your sunscreen or sun block.  Each of us have different needs, the fairer the skin the easier you will burn.  Sun burns do not help your skin tan faster, they just damage your skin.

Ready for a little extra TLC?  We offer a vast array of facials to help you with your skincare needs.  From very basic to micro-dermabrashion, we can help you with your skin.  Preventative maintenance is always better.

HAIR CARE.   Think about what you are exposing your hair to and how to off set the damage. Here are a few of the culprits.

Wind.   The wind will cause mechanical damage to the hair and abrade the cuticle causing it to tangle, snarl, frizz, and leads to split ends and breakage. Simply try to pull the hair back in a loose pony, or wear a hat to protect the hair from wind damage. When detangling the hair, start at the ends and gently work up toward the scalp.

Sun.    The sun can dry out the hair and actually fade the color, natural or artificial.  Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner that has a thermal protection factor.  This will offset the drying effects of the sun and protect it from fading.  Deep hydrate the hair on a weekly basis with a deep moisturizer that will re-hydrate the hair.

Water.  Lake or Pool?  People ask me all the time which is worse on the hair lake water or pool water, both have different contaminates and toxins that are hard on the hair.  The best thing to do is...

1.  Prior to getting into the water.  Wet the hair down with tap water.

2.  Apply a conditioner to displace the chemicals or contaminates.

3.  When you get out of the water, rinse, shampoo and condition the hair again.

4.  Gently comb out the hair with a wide tooth comb, the hair is in it's most fragile condition when it is wet.

5.  Towel dry, then follow with your selection of styling product and style as usual.

The other option is to wear a swim cap.

Dry Hair still an issue?  Give us a call, we offer several deep conditioning treatments and smoothing treatments to take care of that frizzy, de-hydrated hair.  There is such a vast variety of professional products on the market today, and you would be amazed at what we can do with your hair.

Remember that we at Penny Miller Cosmetology Academy are here to help you.  It is important to select the proper shampoo and conditioner for your specific hair type.  We have a large variety of products and we can create a custom blend just for you and your needs.  If you have any questions, please feel free to drop in and we will help you with all your beauty needs. Keep checking in with us for more Beauty Tips & Tricks.

Have a Wonderful Summer and Enjoy!








Beauty Tips

Introducing the New CHI Lava Tools

New from CHI

You asked for it....WE GOT IT!

Drop by to check out this new seasons new tools from CHI.

Motivation News & Announcements

Life is a Journey


Words for Thought.

We are living in a time of trouble and tribulation.  This is true.  However, we have the ability to learn from the lives of people we encounter.  We can choose to let life beat us down, or we can learn how to build from our experiences and improve ourselves and the lives of those around us.

I love the words of Robert H. Schuller, "Tough times never last, but tough people do."

We are Oklahoma Strong!

We hear it all the time, "We are Oklahoma Strong."  Well, I believe this.  Oklahoman's have seen many things, from floods, tornadoes, natural disasters, to radicals who attack us where we live, like they did in the Oklahoma City Bombing.  DID WE GIVE UP?     NO!    Did we hide in away in fear and change the way we live to avoid the bad people? NO!  Did we move away to avoid these unfortunate events?  NO! 


We choose to stay, lend a hand to our neighbors, comfort those who needed comforting.  We choose to support our friends, buckle down, roll up our sleeves and get to work.  We are of strong stock and we refuse to let tough times get us down.

I urge everyone to look around them, find those friends who need a little help.  Help those strangers who look a little down.  Be aware of your surroundings and don't allow yourself to become a victim of life or its circumstance.

Remember, "Tough times never last, but tough people do!"


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