Aromatherapy Beauty Tips

Aromatherapy- Household uses & Carrier Oils

cosmetic, face care, skincare-1798154.jpgAromatherapy is a very interesting subject today, and  now due to social media and so much information out there, several companies have started issuing their versions of aromatherapy oils.  Not all aromatherapy oils are the same.  Please do your own research and search for reputable companies who grow and harvest their plants with  high standards.  Just like going to the farmers market, some tomatoes are just better than others.  With that being said, you need to understand that true 100% aromatherapy essential oils should be stored in dark colored glass bottles, so sunlight will not weaken them, they should be listed as 100% pure with the specific plant name on the bottle.  They should not be diluted with anything else and they should not contain any artificial fragrance or chemicals.  True essential oils are the concentrated form of the plant.  Each plant is different, the soil the plant is grown in may be different, and everything that goes into the plant i.e water, fertilizer, pesticides, chemicals will go into the plant, and then later into the oil after harvest.  This is why it is so important to know how the company you use grows, harvests and prepares the oil.

Essential oils are volatile.  They are highly concentrated with the vital energy of plants.  They are very powerful.  You do not need to use very much essential oil when you create your blends.  This is why we use a carrier agent.  A carrier agent can be an oil, water, lotion or even a powder.  You do not want to apply essential oils neat on the skin, (directly on the skin), to do so could cause an irritation or even a burn.

Carrier Oils are Oils are used to dilute the essential oils, they are vegetable oils and here is a list of a few common oils you can use as carriers.  Sweet almond oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil, apricot kernel oil, avocado oil, evening primrose oil, sesame oil, jojoba oil and wheat germ oil.

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Here are a few ways you can use essential oils around your house, and in your daily living.

In the Bath - In a full tub of water you can mix in 4 to 10 drops of essential oils into the bath water just before you get in.

Diffusion - You can add 4 to 8 drops of essential oil into a water diffuser to freshen the air.

Massage Oil blend - You can add 4 to 8 drops of essential oil into 4 teaspoons of carrier oil.

Want to relax and have a better nights sleep?  You can simply add a few drops of lavender onto a cotton ball and slip it into your pillow case.

Want to make a simple foot powder?  You can use 6 drops of essential oil mixed into 2 tablespoons of cornflour.

Spritz Facial spray - 15 drops of essential oil into 2 ounces of distilled water.

Room freshener spray - 50 drops of essential oil into 16 ounces of distilled water.

As you can see with these simple recipes, not much essential oil is needed.

It is also very important that you store your essential oils away from any heat source.  Keep them out of reach of pets and small children and remember that they need to only be  used in the diluted forms.  Always remember your precautions when using essential oils and if you are in doubt of a specific oil and a medication interaction, ask you doctor or pharmacist.

Essential Oils in Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy Basics

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fields of lavendar
Aromatherapy Beauty Tips Health Reflexology Skincare

Essential Oils in Aromatherapy

What are Essential oils and how are they used?

Essential Oils

Essential oils, or aromatherapy oils, are the fragrant essence of a plant. These highly concentrated liquid oils are the foundation of aromatherapy, which is based on the idea that the aromatic oil from a plant has healing properties. Essential oils should not be confused with perfumes or other fragrance oils. Essential oils are natural to the plant, whereas fragrance oils are chemically produced to mimic certain aromatic scents for perfumes, colognes, candles, etc.

Essential oils are extracted one of two ways: either by steam distillation or expression, or pressing. Distillation is the most prominent method used to extract aromatherapy oils, however. This technique involves steaming the plant matter until it breaks down. The byproduct of this breakdown phase is the plant's fragrant oil, which is cooled, separated from the water and finally filtered into its pure essential oil. Some aromatherapy oils are too concentrated to apply directly to the skin. In this case, the oil is combined with a 'carrier' oil or lotion to dilute its strength. Applying stringent oils to the skin can cause harmful reactions, such as rashes or burns. And, certain essential oils should be avoided if you are pregnant or have been diagnosed with a specific illness.

When the essential oil is extracted via the expression method, it is actually pressed from the plant source the same way lemon juice is pressed from a lemon. There are various types of essential oils, including lavender, tea tree, patchouli, jasmine, rosemary, etc.  Learn all about the most common essential oils here.

Aromatherapy Mood Blends

 Aromatherapy is based on the principle that natural fragrances, or essential oils, from certain plants or flowers can affect our moods, and consequently how we think or feel at any given time.

In fact, practitioners of Aromatherapy base their entire belief system on the ideology that essential oils, or aromatherapy oils, have medicinal benefits including antidepressant and antibacterial properties, and plenty in between!

Certain essential oils can trigger physical or emotional effects on their own. For instance, lavender is a widely known calming agent, whereas peppermint is a mood lifter. Other oils are blended to achieve a desired physiological or psychological effect. Blending ylang ylang with grapefruit relieves stress.

The following are popular essential oils (and blends). Add a few drops into a diffuser, a pot of hot water, or simply to a cotton ball to achieve the desired effect.

*Do not apply drops directly to your skin; blend with carrier oils or lotions if you want to apply it that way. You can also create some wonderful room sprays by simply mixing a few drops of essential oil with a few ounces of distilled water.  

Stress Relief
Bergamot, Chamomile, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Patchouli, Vanilla, Ylang Ylang

Bergamot, Chamomile (Roman), Cedarwood, Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Neroli, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood

Self Esteem
Bergamot, Cypress, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Orange, Rosemary

Bergamot, Chamomile (Roman), Clary Sage, Frankincense, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Rose, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang

Basil, Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Ginger, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Lemon, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sandalwood

Chamomile (Roman), Lavendar, Mandarin, Sandalwood

Chamomile (Roman), Bergamot, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Rose

Memory Boosters
Basil, Cypress, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary

Clary Sage, Jasmine, Patchouli, Rose, Sandalwood, Vanilla, Ylang Ylang

 Safety With Aromatherapy Oils

 CAUTION!!!  Aromatherapy has many benefits, but it is imperative that safety precautions are taken when handling essential oils. While they may seem harmless (they are extracted from plants, after all), most need to be diluted before applying directly to the skin.


Safety Tips

  • Read all label warnings and cautions.
  • Keep essential oils away from your eyes. If an oil comes into contact with your eye, flush it out with large quantities of warm water and immediately seek medical advice.
  • Keep essential oils away from children, who may think they can ingest them because of how they smell.
  • Use only the suggested amount; misuse can lead to headaches and/or nausea. If you suspect you’ve used too much, drink plenty of water and get some air.
    1.  Essential oils should be diluted before being applied to the body. Because they are so concentrated, it is not advisable to rub essential oils directly onto the skin. This can cause redness, burning, itching and irritation. If the oil comes into contact with your skin, coat the area in a cream or vegetable oil and then wash with warm, soapy water.·
    2.  Never consume essential oils, unless called for in specific recipes. If you do ingest the oil, drink and rinse mouth out with milk, and seek medical advice.
    3.  Read the warnings on essential oil packaging; some oils shouldn’t  be combined with other medication or alcohol, or taken if you have certain medical conditions (like epilepsy or low blood pressure).

Essential oils have wonderful medicinal benefits, but if used improperly the effects can be hazardous to your health.

How can I tell the difference between a true essential oil and a "fragranced oil"?

Generally true essential oils are labeled as a pure essential oil and packaged in a dark, glass container. They should be labeled 100% pure essential oil and they should also list the species of the plant.  Example 100% pure, lemongrass "Cymbopogon citratus" .  Fragrance oils can be purchased in a variety of stores and are labeled several different was such  as perfumed oil, fragrance oil, oil blend, infused oil etc.  Beware of cheap synthetic oils, that are not natural as chemicals used to fragrance these oils can be dangerous to your health.  When using true essential oils, they are very concentrated, and it takes very little to get the job done.

Where can you purchase Aromatherapy Oils?

 The answer is almost anywhere, please check out your source, not all oils are the same, some can even be counterfeit, so it's important to purchase from a reputable person or business.

I personally purchase my oils from a pharmacy,  NOW ESSENTIAL OILS is an excellent source. Remember at a Pharmacy you can ask for more information if you have any questions or concerns about possible drug interactions.

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Aromatherapy Beauty Business Health Reflexology

What is Reflexology? Why in the Salon?

Reflexology Helps to Relieve STRESS!

Reflexology is a wonderful method of pressure point massage used primarily on the hands and feet to induce relaxation and stress reduction.

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History of Reflexology.

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It originated in ancient times around 2,330 B.C.   The record of the Egyptians left was found in the "Physicians Tomb" from the early 6th dynasty.  Pictures depicting the massaging of the hands and feet and had hieroglyphics which translate to "Don't hurt me", and the reply: "I shall act so you praise me".

Asian cultures have used acupressure or Shiatso and accupuncture which uses needles instead of massage.  Most cultures have some type of relaxation techniques using the hands or feet.ancient cosmet 5 - Copy - Copy

Dr. William H. Firzgerald is usually referred to as the pioneer of Reflexology which he called Zone Therapy in his 1917 book, Zone Therapy, or Relieving Pain At Home.

Eunice Ingham expanded and helped polularize Reflexology with her tow books, Stories The Feet Can Tell, and Stories the Feet Have Told.  Mildred Carter, Dr. Maybelle Segal, Anna Kaye & Don C. Matchan, and Dr. Elson M. Haas, The Reflexology Workout have also written scholarly works on the subject.

So....What is the Definition of Reflexology?

"A reflex in an involuntary response to a stimulus," according to the Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary.  A simple definition of Reflexology is massaging specific areas of the hands or feet for the purpose of relieving the stress or pain in corresponding areas of the body.


The biological concept of stress was first developed by Hans Selye who intended originally for "stress" to indicate a cause rather than effect.  He made a linguistic error and gave the term stress to the effect and later had to create the term "stressor" to explain the cause.

Stress is defined in medicine as the result produced when a structure, system or organism is acted upon by forces that disrupt equilibrium or produce strain.

It is generally believed that a little stress is required to maintain certain biological organisms, however, too much can cause pathological changes in the body.

Reflexology relieves stress and tension, improves blood supply and helps unblock nerve impulses, to achieve homeostasis.


There are over 7,000 nerve endings on the bottom of each foot.  Stimulation of these nerve endings sends signals along to the spinal cord, and up to the thalamus gland in the brain, which produces its own opiate-like painkillers called endorphins.  Reflexology stimulates the body's own pain killing system.  Similar to acupressure, the application of pressure to the points over the whole body, and acupuncture, the placement of needles in certain points in the body.  However, Reflexology uses only massage on the hands or feet to relieve the stress of the body.  foot massage

Reflexology is also similar to Shiatsu, which is an oriental massage in which the fingers are pressed on particular points, called tsubo, that ease aches, pains, tension and symptoms of disease.  The 361 Tsubos are also Acupunture points and the pressure points that are located along the "meridian lines," the fourteen channels through which the body's energy flows according to Oriental philosophy.

Whether it is a pressure point or a needle point, it is the nervous system reactions to this stimuli that begins the process of releasing pain killers from the brain and placed into the blood stream to distribute throughout the body.

We find that reflexology paired with foot, hand and chair massage takes the client to a new level or relaxation.  This helps to reduce daily stress and give the body the opportunity to re-balance itself and help induce greater well being.

Aromatherapy is another massage add on that can be used in hair, nailimages (46) and facial services.  If your are interested in more information about any of these services check out the subjects listed in our information or topic boxes, or give us a call 405-238-3426 or facebook us at Miller/Salonpmca.

We are here for YOU, and want your experience to be the best ever.  We are constantly looking for ways to help our clients with their beauty needs, and sometimes this involves helping the client to relax and unwind after a hard day.  If we can help you with anything please let us know.

Penny Miller Group Pic 1Best Wishes,

Penny Miller



Aromatherapy Basics

Penny Miller - Owner and Educator of P.M.C.A.
Penny Miller - Owner and Educator of P.M.C.A.

What is Aromatherapy and why does it work?

Aromatherapy is the practice of using the natural oils extracted from flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots or other parts of a plant to enhance psychological and physical well-being.

The inhaled aroma from these "essential" oils is widely believed to stimulate brain function. Essential oils can also be absorbed through the skin, where they travel through the bloodstream and can promote whole-body healing.

A form of alternative medicine, aromatherapy is gaining momentum. It is used for a variety of applications, including pain relief, mood enhancement and increased cognitive function.

There are a wide number of essential oils available, each with its own healing properties.

Aromatherapy History

Little is known about the history of aromatherapy, or where it originated specifically, but the Egyptians are credited with developing one of the first distillation machines to extract oils from certain plants -- cedarwood, clove, cinnamon, to name a few -- which were used to embalm the dead. The practice of using infused aromatic oils as a mood enhancer, however, is thought to have roots in China.

The Greeks also played a role in the history of aromatherapy. Megallus, a Greek perfumer, developed a fragrance he called megaleion, which consisted of myrrh. The "father of medicine" Hippocrates is said to have practiced aromatherapy (before it was dubbed so) for healing purposes. Greek mythology claims the gods were gifted with the knowledge of perfume and fragrance.

The actual term "aromatherapy" first originated in 1937 when French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefosse invented the word after a burn incident spurred his curiosity about the healing power of essential oils. On the heels of Gattefosse's "discovery" that lavender oil helped to cure his burn, French surgeon Jean Valnet used essential oils to help heal soldiers' wounds in World War II, proving the medical benefits of aromatherapy.

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Today you can find a large range of products with aromatherapy properties. Aromatherapy is used largely in the cosmetic and beauty industry, not just for fragrance but for the benefits of the essential oil used in the product. If you are interested in more information about aromatherapy blends, essential oils, and the benefits of these different oils click here to find out more.





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