Beauty Tips

Fall into Color – What’s HOT this Season

As the Seasons changes so do we.  This is a fact.  Fall is a season when we should adjust our hair color to a deeper richer tone, adjust our cosmetics, and update our wardrobe.

So what are the trends for this season?

Extreme Texture, Movement & Product.

Hairstyles.  Fall 2013 fashion shows are featuring many different looks, including a modern crop top with a long, flowing nape with  strong monocromatic hair color. Honey Blonde, Carmel Blonde, Mocha Chocolate, and Deep Black, are all hot colors on the runway.  Soft, bouncy waves and curls with a mid length cut, with solid lines.  Short, wavy crops with hair combed to the side to accent the eyes, trendy for day or evening look, or just fake the short hair with a simple but refined french twist.   Center parts with long side braids.  Textured locks with lots of paste and wax to give hair grip, and a mussed look.

What is your favorite look?  Do you like the designers that work with a soft fem look or a straight business only look?  Do you enjoy the designers who feature rough, stiff fabrics or soft, silky lacy textures?  Check out the looks and find your personal favorites.
Here is one video from FashionTV. Enjoy!

I love the tips they give on the texture and the cosmetic application to balance the look.  Of course these looks are a little over the edge for the runway, but you can easily bring them down just a little to get them ready for daily wear.  Fashion is's always a way to express yourself and the way you feel. Whether its, easy going, or runway savvy, it's all about YOU, and YOUR LOOK!

Enjoy the new looks and find your own signature look.




Beauty Business Beauty Tips Cosmetics Fashion Hair Nails Specials


Welcome to Penny Miller Cosmetology Academy!

We are offering specials this week at the Academy.

Nail Polish- Buy One Get ONE FREE!!!



$ 7.00 each or 3 For $ 15.00



Regular price $ 8.96 - Buy 2 Get 1 Free


quick curl 8

Close Out on Selected Items!  Big Discounts!!


Don't Forget to Check Out

our New and Improved Versions of the Latest Products!


See You Soon at the Academy!



Beauty Tips


Have you ever wondered how to get a simple but elegant side pony tail, without it looking overworked?

Well, here's a quick how to..... ENJOY!

farouk systms
What about a simple Chignon?

Ready for some fun???? Drop in and let our staff and students help you with some new looks for your long, beautiful hair! WE LOVE LONG HAIR!

Beauty Tips

Beautiful Hair and Beautiful People

roller setsWhat makes someone feel more special than a beautiful hairstyle?

Nothing!   Whether it's a simple cut and style, a roller set or a upstyle for that special event, we can help you find that perfect style to make you feel special.  We have been so blessed here in Pauls Valley Oklahoma, to have such wonderful clients, friends and neighbors who drop in and see us, visit with us and allow us to do their hair.  We love getting to help them with their hair, and finding the perfect look just for them.

Savings for you and your entire family at Penny Miller Cosmetology Academy!

We would like to Thank You, for supporting us. So we are offering some specials for our special friends.  Drop in and see what's new, and get in on the savings!  This week we are offering all chemical services, including perms, colors, highlights, and chemical facials $ 5.00 off!  All non chemical services, such as waxing, haircuts, styles, basic facials, manicures and pedicures, you can save $ 2.00 off our already low prices.

We are also having a sale on our in store products. So don't forget about your hairstyling and cosmetic needs.  Lots of fun new products on sale for a limited time!







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Beauty Tips

New Students at the Academy for Fall Semester.

student news

Welcome Aboard!

 Our Fall Term will be so much fun with the addition of two new members to our team at Penny Miller Cosmetology Academy.

We welcome, Morgan and Chade, two young and energetic ladies with a desire to learn all they can learn about the field of hairdressing and cosmetology.

We know these young ladies will enjoy their new field of study and will truly be assets to the cosmetology field.

Other News.....Keeley Rose has graduated her course in Nail Technology, has taken her board exams and will soon be receiving her license in Manicuring!  Way to go Keeley!  Job Well Done!  Keeley was such a blessing to teach, and is such a caregiver,  I know she will do wonderful in this profession!

Where are they Now????  Check out the latest news about our Graduates.....

April Shreve is now married, new name April Ulloa, and is working in her Salon, High Maintence, with her friend Ashley Frost, here in Pauls Valley, OK.

Heather Dilbeck is working in Pauls Valley at Imagine Salon, and loving it!

Ashlee Hines is working at the Pink Diva in Wynnewood.

Teresa Winnett has opened her own Barber Style Salon in Pauls Valley, see what she is up to at "T's".


All of our girls are doing fabulous in Garvin County.  Drop by and see them and tell them we sent you in.

Check back later for more updates.

Do you know a recent graduate from P.M.C.A?  Share your stories with us and we will be glad to post information on any of our graduates.

Hope to see you soon,

Have a Blessed Day,

Penny Miller and all the Girls from P.M.C.A.



Beauty Business Beauty Tips Featured Hair

Baby CHI is Here!

CHI Products has a new line special for your new Special Addition.  CHI BABY!

BABY CHI includes three new products... a baby shampoo, body wash, & bubble bath, with silk and lavender.  Tear Free, paraben Free, and Sulfate Free.

2013 Aug 571

Baby CHI Calming Lotion, with silk, milk and aloe.  Paraben Free.  Nourishes baby's sensitive skin with natural and organic ingredients, with just a hint of lavender.

Baby CHI soothing Silk Oil....paraben free., made with argan oil and other natural and organic ingredients to keep your baby's skin as soft as the day they were born.

As with all CHI products, Baby CHI is made in the USA.

farouk systms


Beauty Business Beauty Tips Fashion Hair

New Big Sexy Products Have Arrived!


2013 Big Sexy Hair Line.

Ready for Runway Ready Hair?  We have it here at Penny Miller Cosmetology Academy.  New for 2013 -

Volumizing Dry Shampoo - Pump up the Volume!  Great New Product!

Boys love mermaid hair.  Really.  They can forgive most sin if you have a soft tousled slightly volumized do.  Think Victorias Secret Angel.  Spritz this oil-absorbing, volumizing dry shampoo all over old hair for an instant pick-me-up!

New Product - Flip it Over.  New Product to add bounce and volume if you're willing to go just a little wild.

New Product - WeatherProof - Humidity resistant Hair spray. Mist a finishing spray on a brush and pass it over your hair lightly to prevent frizz throughout the day.

New Product - Volumizing Treatment - Following shampoo with Sexy Hair Products - apply Volumizing treatment to damp hair and comb through for even application.  Leave on for 2 - 5 minutes and rinse.

New Product - Powder Play.  Apply at the root on dry hair for an instant lift. Sprinkle through for lightweight texture for separation and control.

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Drop by and see what's New and Exciting about Big Sexy Products!


Beauty Business Beauty Tips Motivation

Chemistry and Cosmetology

Chemistry in the Salon

Have you ever wondered why chemistry is so very important to the field of Cosmetology?  Every day clients come into the salon with special needs that require a little chemistry to fix.  From a simple re-adjustment to their shampooing and conditioning  to de-frizz summer stressed hair, to the more complicated, but much needed color adjustment when a home color that goes wrong. Beautiful hair, skin and nails, always start with a healthy body inside, and salon chemistry on the outside.  Today's stylist must be well versed in Salon Chemistry, to meet their clients needs.Hair Chemist

Salon chemicals, as well as over the counter beauty products change frequently and require a stylist and salon professional to attend regular training to update their education on product knowledge and salon and home use.  There is a vast variety of products that are sold over the counter that can easily damage the hair.

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Why do you think salon professionals should know what is available to their clients over the counter at the local drug store, supermarket, or discount store?  Simply because, at some point in time, our clients, may get a hold of these products, that are labeled "easy to use", "for home use", or "gentle formula", and if used incorrectly, or over some other "safe" product and wreck havoc on the hair.

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When the client does this, what happens next?  They call us!  So we must always be prepared, mentally, as well as physically to bring balance, and reduce the stress that these products and services have caused our clients.

Hair stylist and salon professionals, here is my advice.  Study, Study, Study!  Go to as much education as you can, ask your supply house reps, for product knowledge on all of the products you carry, so you can know the in's and outs of each product.  Know the pH, the molecular weight, the chemical makeup of each product, ask the about the key ingredients, what type of protein is used, the key benefits, and any contraindications of the products.  Get the MSDS's on each product.  Know how to store and how to dispose of any unused product.  Know the shelf life, and how you need to mix and what not to mix with the product.  Does this seem like a lot of information to keep track of?  Well this is just the beginning.


Don't forget the need for client records!  Record the beginning analysis of the clients hair, what and how it was used, and the end result.  This is very valuable data for next time you service the client. Be honest with yourself as well as your client. The client will appreciate the effort you put forth to help them with their service as well as knowing that you are a serious professional who will take care of them and their hair.  Customer service is always first and foremost, but you must go the extra mile and keep records so you can keep track of the needs of your clients.  With all of the ever changing chemicals and products it is very important to track your progress, and the occasional set back that might occur in your client's hair history. Remember, If you are a true professional, you have the knowledge base needed to help your client with all of their beauty needs.  There are no mistakes only missed opportunities.  We can always help our clients if we just study the situation and put forth the effort!

Happy Clients = a Happy Salon!  Go out and make the effort to make someone Happy!

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Beauty Tips Cosmetics Fashion Hair Specials

Color….What’s Right for Me???

How to Choose a Color that will work for YOU!

Yes, Hair color can be a lot of fun, but not when a mistake is made and you end up with a color scheme that is not attractive on color app 2

Here are a few tips to help you decide what type of color is best for YOU.

1. Think about your youth.  Children always have beautiful hair color.  This is before we use and abuse our hair.  Over process, Over Styled, Over Colored, Over Stressed.....Hair can take a lot of abuse from us.  Remember when we were just  a little younger.  Hair was silky, shiny, bouncy, had great texture, volume and memory.  When we looked at our hair, as a child, it was not just one one flat shade, it had dimension.  Remember this.

carmel highlights


2.  Think about how often we can afford to come into the salon for maintenance.  Time and money is always a consideration.  How much money do you want to spend on maintenance, but most importantly, how often, time wise, can you afford to go to the salon and spend time for maintenance?

Strong vibrant, artificial tones require a higher maintenance schedule, where as an ombre' color if not too far from your regular base could be much lower maintenance.


Vibrant Red


Natural Ombre'






3.  When YOU  look at your clothing, your most favorite pieces, what colors are they?  Do you like blues, violets, greys? Or do you like reds, yellows, and rich browns?  Is there a blouse or shirt that makes you feel special when you wear it?  When we are young we naturally are drawn to colors that make us feel better about ourselves, as we age, we put those feelings aside and conform to what we think other people think looks better on us....Now is a time to re-visit our youth and find what colors help make us feel special....

color wheel - CopyThe Color Wheel

Now that you have selected your most favorite colors, you will find that if you selected colors that are on the warm side of the color wheel, such as red, orange, yellows, or even yellow greens, you will probably look better in warm, sunny colors.    If you selected cool colors such as violets, blues, greens, and violet reds, then you will probably look better in cool, icy colors.  Neutrals are great on everyone, however, they are sometimes a little boring, and it is nice to add a splash of one of your favorites into the mix.

4.  What is your natural color?  This is a good question, since a lot of us haven't seen our natural color for years, and years.  If it has been at least four weeks since you have had a re-touch, you can look at the base section of your hair and see your natural color. It will look dark if you press it down against your head, so hold it up, try to fan it out and let light reflect through it. hs4

Now, what do you see?  Is it light, medium or dark?  Do you see cool tones, or warm tones?  Do you see any silver (Grey Hair)? Does it look mousey, or bright?

Try to remember....Why did I change it????

Did I get bored with it?  Was I attempting to cover the grey? Go blonde? Brighten it Up? If you like what you see, do you want to go back to your natural?


5.  Now that you have made a few decisions, about your past and present hair color choices and selections, we can help you get your most perfect hair color.  We can help you decide on a technique and color selection that will be perfect for you, your skin tone, your life style and your time and money investment.  Give us a call at 405-238-3426, and we will schedule you an appointment for a consultation, and get you into the hair and makeup you have always dreamed of.  What better way to make a change in your personal appearance than with a new fresh look for Spring .

Especially For YOU!

Call and receive a free Cosmetic application with the purchase of any hair color service for the month of June 2015.  Limited time offer, Must make an appointment for special offer.  Call us at 405-238-3426 to schedule you appointment now.

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Beauty Business Beauty Tips Hair Health Motivation Sanitation Student News

Professional Salon Safety and Sanitation

Have you ever wondered what YOU should be looking for when you enter a Professional Salon? 

What is required by the State?  What is required by your city?  What about national standards of sanitation?  How did your stylist or nail tech get their state license? Is the Salon clean, safe and sanitary?  Have they had any violations?


These are all very important questions.  And they all deserve answers.

Here in the State of Oklahoma, the state regulatory office is the Oklahoma State Board of Cosmetology.  The OSBC sets up the rules and regulations that are set forth at the state level, for education requirements, licensing requirements for schools, salons, and all cosmetology related establishments.  They also oversee the safety and sanitation standards for each of these establishments.  They are here for the public, salon workers, and students, to make sure procedures are followed and that everyone is kept safe.   The OSBC also is there for salon professionals at the legislative level to help oversee laws and how they effect our industry.

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So .... When you enter your chosen establishment, look for the following:

1. Cleanliness, clean tools, combs and brushes.

2. Posted licenses.

3. Ethical behavior and a professional atmosphere.

If you feel like the establishment is not following safe sanitation practices it is up to you to decide to frequent the establishment or not.  It is your health and well being that is at risk.





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